Releases You from Burden of Stress
Stress-related illnesses have reached epidemic proportions. Stress has mushroomed into today's top 'growth industry' with doctor's being inundated with patients looking for a quick way out of their unbearable stress.Today, the stress of modern living has left us delving into mistakes from the past while also being traumatized and overwhelmed by tomorrow's anxieties and cares. Mindfulness based stress reduction techniques are about connecting with the present moment and calmly and rationally observing our thoughts; becoming more aware of them and handling them in a calm way. Mindfulness is a necessary tool we all need to help us to deal with our thoughts and emotions in a healthy way.
Psychological Well-Being Critical to Perform Tasks
The Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) technique's focus is on helping people with stress and pain. The program was developed by Jon Kabat Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center way back in 1979, and today it is offered in many clinics and hospitals around the world.Medicines may be helpful at an emotional level, and many stress sufferers undergo treatments with clinical psychologists simply because they know that psychological well-being is critical for our ability to function at home and the office.
Calmness Goes Hand in Hand with Better Concentration
With symptoms including anxiety, lack of sleep, breathlessness, chest pains and dizziness, anyone under prolonged stress is at a greater risk of health problems such as stroke and a heart attack. Mindful techniques vary and most of them require a conscious effort to direct the mind to a single point of focus. The aim of mindfulness based stress reduction techniques is to calm the mind; to control thoughts rather than allow them to be controlled by the mind's continuous internal turmoil. No matter what technique is used with mindfulness, it is a beneficial self-help therapy for getting in touch with oneself and harnessing one's problem solving processes. Stress is debilitation and Mindfulness has so many benefits, we can't afford not to investigate it. Just some of the benefits include -
- our self awareness is increased
- we enjoy better focus and concentration
- we are made aware of self-defeating thought processes and we learn how to let them go
- we enjoy better relationships
- less emotional reactivity – the ability to remain totally relaxed when somebody at the office finds fault with your work
Young and Old can benefit
Stress knows no boundaries and Mindfulness based stress reduction techniques can benefit anyone who is experiences unwanted stress and that includes more and more children as well as teenagers. Many people simply want to learn these techniques and learn the program in order to enhance their health and wellbeing. Stress is a great motivator and teaches us about ourselves. It precipitates a need to get help and in the case of MBSR we achieve inner growth, often in the form of a greater awareness about ourselves and everything going on around us. Many people simply come to MBSR to enhance their general health and well-being.The Present Moment is what Matters
The beauty with Mindfulness based stress reduction techniques is that it increases awareness of what is happening in the present moment in an accepting attitude as opposed to becoming worked up, stress and angry about it. In other words its aim is to change our behavior patterns. This new increased awareness gives rise to new ways to respond. It is believed that MBSR can actually alter the function ofThe brain and those areas which react negatively in stressful situations. This program is for anyone with chronic physical and mental illnesses such as insomnia, chronic pain, depressions, anxiety, heart disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, eating disorders, arthritis and others.
Techniques which Reduce Stress
The program lasts for 8 weeks, usually with sessions which last for 2 to 3 hours and which is made up of different mental and physical mindfulness exercises. The mindful exercises guide you towards being present in unfolding moments as they arise and to have the strength of mind to respond to people and events in a way that actually counteracts stress.The benefits of mindfulness based stress reduction techniques are priceless, whether at home, on the sports field or in the office.
Exercise for instance is an important strategy for reducing stress. You are better able to cope with stress because your heart function is improved, reducing the output of adrenalin and cortisone, improving the oxygen uptake of all cells in the body, improving self-esteem and feelings of well-being , and increasing energy.
Tai Chi and Yoga are ancient exercises with the aim to bring the body to a state of wholeness through movement therapy and to cultivate a calm mind and a clear spirit. Both T'ai chi and yoga are relaxing and therefore effective in the treatment of anxiety and stress. Yoga frees the mind from distracting thoughts and teaches it co concentrate on the moment.
Deep relaxation techniques include meditation, progressive relaxation, self-hypnosis, visualization or yoga. When you are deeply relaxed, certain physiological changes occur and a reduced heart rate and lower blood pressure, better digestion and a shallow, calmer breathing rate are just some.
Acting in a Constructive Way
Mindfulness based stress reduction techniques have been proved to be effective in treating people with bipolar disorder as well as depression. It is no wonder that this therapy has been integrated into clinical practice, teaching patients to observe their own thoughts and feelings with an objective view. Mindfulness teaches us that in upsetting situations we can react in a more constructive way. For instance simple breathing exercises can stop an outburst and replace it with a calm way of reaching a solution. Being more calm, being more receptive and less reactive can be achieved with mindfulness techniques.You Needn't Lead a Diminished Lifestyle
The success of any treatment depends largely on the patient, and human nature being what it is, means that many people ignore the pain, the squeezing in the chest, the breathlessness of stress and lead a diminished lifestyle instead of choosing a path to health, calmness of spirit and well being.